
Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Was an Obese Kid

Not anymore. I had started to realize that it was not an attractive thing to be obese and that had been when I started to do something about it. And so I am not obese anymore.
I guess that is how I achieve.
I needed to be bothered enough to do something about it and then I do the necessary things.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Europe is like rainbow it has so many spectrum of color those which make it beautiful.


Where do we go after we die?This very question has been one of the driving force towards the many organizations wrapped in superstition. Religion. Spread successfully due to blind faith, submission to a superior power, or ignorant and delusional wishful thinking of the hereafter compensation after struggling lifetime.

As Karl Marx once said, Religion is the opium to the masses.

I have a belief that religion is not in the business of establishing the relationship between people and God. Whatever or whoever that maybe. Instead its ammunition of fear induction leads to guilt complexion has been its flagship tool to gain submission from human kind. The fear of the burning hell fire. The guilt of the original sin. A very avid kind of motivation to get people feared and submit to the religion which bring upon power to the interested party. Those in the religion business.

This epidemic has been highly contagious and deadly. Many young minds have been brainwashed. Many young bodies have been sacrificed in the name of different God. From different religion.

I am here not to question the existence of God. As it is a very private relationship, in my opinion, which should not be interfered by any gurus, imams or fathers. In fact one do not need to belong to any type of organization to make believe that God exists. In whatever form or way that person choose to believe. It is a personal affair!

Back to the question. Where do we go after we die? Are we to face penalties and punishment as retributions to our wrongdoings? Is God, if he exists, interested in getting back to us if we eat a certain kind of meat or if we are absent from fasting during certain special month? And why are there so many different rules written in many different books? Are there many different God? O wait I was told there is one true God. Wait a minute! The fellow religion must have told the same about their God. I want to make sure that I am right and they are wrong.

But. How?

If I can not even talk to God.Can you help me, uncle?
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