
Saturday, November 27, 2010

You Really Want to Know Yourself?

Ask yourself twice. No no ask yourself again. I am afraid you will be surprise. Long ago, when I was a little bit younger I have been asking and asked to and by myself and people the very same question. Every day I wake up in the morning and would look at my self in the mirror I would complain.
"Why am I not tall enough?"
"I don't like the shape of my nose!"
Then I would tell my self, "You are more than just your exterior!"
Who am I? A spiritual entity wrapped in a body that is perceived by virtue of the function of my and your eyes?
We all or most of us dared to fight their parents, break the rules, take drugs, wasted our youth. Only to justify our endeavor of getting a better acquaintance. with ourselves.
After all this time, I probably give up on the idea. Hmm rather, I decided to stop asking who I really am. Why? The more I asked the more I tried to put my self in boxes where labels of stereotypes are taped on their faces. Which labels do I belong to? This follows with our subconscious effort to comply to them. Our actions, the way we try to look and so on.
No No. It is deeper than that.
I don't want to know the real me!
Probably I am an unraveled monster full of hatred and sarcasm. The one who is happy (secretly) to witness the failing of the non underdogs. Nevertheless hypocritically trying to console.
OMG. What if I am a real bad person?
yes yes.
I don't want to know my self. My real self.
Bye bye self. Please stay behind there. Yes right there! Behind the mirror. Do not crack up and escape from the mirror. Just stay there, you belong there.


UHB (Unidentified Human Beings)

PS: At least from today.

What has Changed in My Life thus far?

Hmm since I started this blog, back in ??? February or March or somthing like that.
The very purpose is to implement whatever it is preached in the book the secret. The infamous: LAW OF ATTRACTION. Your Thoughts become Things!
Okay, I am not yet a millionaire, although I have been applying the law of attraction. Things that I did and which by the way I take a break for awhile from doing due to the immense amount of energy required to carry out the task are as follows:
1. Visualize
This is not so hard for me. Therefore I perceive this as the least that would consume effort. I would just close my eyes and think about all the great things that I have including piles of money. And well, so far........ I am still far from millions.
2. Feel Good
This is the hardest for me. Because, when reality checks in, most of the time it bites. Ha ha ha or stings. Thus to keep the positive feeling is the one which takes most of the effort.
3. Receive
Hmmm this is to me similar to visualizing.
Okay. perhaps, i should frequent and update this blog more often to remind my self of my ultimate goal.-----------> $$$

what about you? what is it that you have always wanted?

Get Ur ASS to Work!

Why is it so hard to get your ass to work?
By work I mean something that you have to complete because there is a deadline attached to it. Yes, that is it.
Personally, I hate deadlines. Why? Because it hinders me or rather deter me to be free in the method that I would choose to experiment to the completion of the work. For example, I may start on a report on say a laboratory experiment. Due to deadlines, I have not much freedom, at least, as far as time constraint is concerned. I have to do it according to certain methodologies or steps that had been done so that it hopefully can be completed on time. O well, when I am forced to use my left brain*, my right brain will start to demand more attention. The moment it feels the slightest abandonment, it will rebel and everything is becoming so difficult to pay attention. Right. That is exactly when I would go surf the net, probably start with YouTube. I would watch useless videos showcasing people talking about the weirdest possible stuffs with the least possible relevance. Following that, I would go and search for old movies which I can freely stream online. That is when I would end up watching movies like disney's, legally blondes, and so on. Before I realize it, it is already almost the next day's morning. I am screwed (again).
Greetings to Deadlines.
PS: I also take pics of my self when I am supposed to do my deadlines!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


How comfortable are you being in an uncertain situation?
I meant, what is an exactly certain situation anyway? Is there such a thing?
Personally, I know that it is not possible to escape uncertainty. It is the degree of uncertainty that varies. In some situations you may found it fairly uncertain while in some others severely uncertain.

I grew up in a highly religious society. Like many of such societies, God is the ultimate power by whom decision or outcome of anyone's life is decided. Therefore people believe that they do not have total control of their life, therefore their outcome. As there is always an "invisible" hand interfering with every body's life. Thus, gives rise to the notion that life is uncertain.

Do you believe that?

I believe that life is uncertain, not because I think God has a 100% intervention upon it. Not that I disbelieve the existence of the ultimate higher being. Although, I neither testify his/her/its very existence. I think life is uncertain simply because it has so many factors that may factor in an outcome of an event. Take for example, the occurrence of raining. There are a lot of things that determines the event of raining. Not only either it will or will not happen, also these things determine the intensity of the event, namely heavy or light. The amount of water vapor in the cloud, the temperature, the amount of water in the land, the level of pollution, or many other factors. Therefore, It is impossible to tell how it is going to be rain exactly.

Nevertheless, with the advancement of science, we are able to at least predict with a fair chance of being correct the possibility that it may rain. We know that if the amount of water vapor in the cloud reach a certain level, most likely it will rain. Or maybe other measurable quantities leading to the occurrence of the event.

Applying this analogy to our life, to our future, it is impossible to picture and exactly getting what we want. However, if we are doing the right things and making sure that we are doing them right, the predictability of the expected outcome can somehow be foreseen, just like how we forecast if tomorrow is going to rain.

Monday, November 15, 2010


We all have needs. We have needs therefore we exist.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I have always loved Bali. The beach, the blue sky, the little temple, the sunset.
Every body goes to Bali!

Back again

It has been a while, I know. I have sort of given up the thoughts of keeping an online journal. The main reason is, I don't think that anyone would ever bother to read it. O well, Human beings are weird. We go online, talk about our fears and insecurities, in the hope that someone might bother to read and probably leave a message. And the moment you learnt that you had a visitor and you would go, wow!


My life is back again with piles of school work and projects. Nothing much going on, except I have this great idea to start on a novel. Yes! a novel, a story that came out of nowhere during my half-awake day dreaming looking out the busy traffic in a Singapore main road.

In the time being, I came up with many characters who will mesh at some points in the novel.

Ah, I have also been preparing for my graduate school application.

wish me luck :)
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