At the beginning it was damn hard for me to grasp let alone to take at face value the concept of ourselves being the control of our outcome. I always blame it on the external factors whenever things did not turn out quite the way I wanted. I also give credit to the external factors whenever things did turn out the way I wanted. Now, if you are a believer of new age teaching, our outcome is indeed the result of our thoughts and FEELINGS that lead to action that eventually gave us the outcome that we religiously and faithfully keep in our mind. However, it is not all about keeping that image of what you want in your mind but also FEELING it.
By feeling I meant you need to keep touch-base with your internal voices/ your internal auditors/ that always tell you whether to go ahead or not. When you look around the most successful people around you most of them would say "LOVE" and "PASSION" had been the driving force towards their achievements. These words "LOVE" and "PASSION" is the resultant of variants of feelings that create this love, passion, (to a certain extent) obsession that every extra hours spent on working towards the achievement is felt like a blessing instead of hardwork. It is the process that brings joy and happiness to this successful people not so much the end result that brings them "success".
So do you see now the difference? When you are obsessed with something that it gives you joy and happiness when doing it, may it be writing a novel, may it be doing a research for the next cutting-edge technology, may it be practicing performance with your band, or anything under the sun you will definitely found your SUCCESS!
Now, the thing is you need to really know what it is that make you happy when you doing something. What it is that give you a self-worth of being an individual who is capable of doing something. What it is that you are highly passionate of doing. Ask these to yourself. Ask yourself.
It is your birth right to achieve greatness since the day you were born. The day you were born and started to speak, to walk , and to learn many other things, you also started to define your interest and passion. Have you ever been attracted to shape and colors when you were toddlers? Or probably sound and the different tone and timbre that it made when you hit two different objects together? or perhaps the way people talk always excited you? Many things. For sure there is at least that ONE thing that makes you get up and pay your fullest attention on that gives you happiness and joy merely when looking at it.
Find your PASSION!
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