
Friday, April 30, 2010

This Friday I Might become a Millionaire

3.20 I might become a millionaire today. I am wishing hard that I am going to be.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Born into a post-hardship about forty years after Indonesia proclaimed its independence, I have never been taught values and importance of having things excessively. I would not say either it is bad rather I would like to flash back in to the day when sufficient lifestyle was the way that many kids were taught. I never once had wished I had one particular thing and had my parents bought them for me the next day. Perhaps the situation is just a fact with the economic of the household that was barely sufficient. As a kid growing up in a small town when at that time television channels only show evening news and some imported kids program on Sundays, I was not introduced to the lifestyle that many kids embrace nowadays: Consumerism.

In spite of that I vividly remember my first naive prayer to the God was richness. All I wanted is to be rich. Now that I think about it I found it funny and at the same time soul-tickling that I had had aspired such a thing. I wanted to be rich. The richest person in the small town was the governor. Every person in the village would be wow-ed and mesmerized by the new cars that were parked in the governor's house. Second to the governors would be doctors and dentists. Whilst my parents ranked almost near the bottom of the hierarchy as they were lecturers in the local university.

We did not have annual holiday instead almost every weekend (if my parents were not so tired and it was not a scorcher (extremely hot day)) we would make picnic in the nearby beach I think it was called tumbelaka or something like that. Well, it was not my favorite beach. It has rocky ground and there was no white sand. My favorite was Tanjung Karang. A very beautiful coastal beach (I am not sure but it looks like it) with long strand of white sand. Well, when my Mom had to visit my uncle in Jakarta for his marriage, that was the first time I see the big city. Big skycrappers, long and jammed streets with four lanes, gigantic bridges, and people say "Gw" instead of "Saya".

"Mom, I wanted to live in this city."
"You needed to have a lot of money to live here."
"Mom, I wanted to have a lot of money."
"You needed to save money from now."

But the wisdom never really implemented till now.

I want to be rich and have lots of money living a life that I would fall in love with. I want to live in New York, having influencial organization fighting poverty in some parts of Asia and Africa, and having people pay me respect because of what I have accomplished and by accomplished I mean with the monetary compensation.

Right now, I am already a millionaire - in my mind. I really hold on tightly to this vision that I have lots of money. I am not a capitalist neither am I against it. There are a lot worse things in the world thatn being a capitalist: CORRUPTION. This evil thing that had caused poverty due to unequal distribution of wealth.

If you have read the secret then you know what law of attraction is all about. This has been more than six months since I religiously focus my thoughts to richness. I want to be rich and have money coming in to me without having to go through the pain of saving.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How Do I Become a Millionaire?

How Do I Become a Millionaire?

I will need to have a million dollars. That is it. As easy as it is written, The manifestation is not quite as easy. At least, experience-not that I have many-has taught me this.
This is roughly the sixth month since I have dedicated-on average-five minutes a day to do my one million dollar visualization. Yet, nothing has seemed to realize. Have I missed one step?

First and foremost I am not an Idealist. As much as I am inspired by many people out there with gigantic determination in pursuing one particular field. This probably has led me to a decision of desiring million of dollars in my bank account.

I know and have read about many people whose once goal was not richness but that one thing that led these people to abundance. Yes, I am talking about Madonna, JK Rowling, Michael Jordan, Christina Aguilera, Tiger Wood, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and so on. None of them dreamed of becoming a Millionaire.
"All I want is to go on stage and sing and perform."
"All I want is to play golf."
"Basketball has always been my passion."
"I want to inspire people with my talk show."


None. None of these had anything to do with offensively huge amount of money in their hands. Although the irony is ALL OF THEM have million of dollars. And that would one of the differing factors between myself and these people, that I do not have that ONE passion that will one day possibly bring me to my million of dollars. All I want is million and million of dollars.

"You do not need to ask how the universe will help you ... it is like going through a catalog and decide things that you favor and then have them delivered."

I want to have a mansion
I want to have a Ferrari
I want to have an art gallery
I want to have an Ivy League degree
I want to have houses and penthouses in New York, London, Paris, Tokyo and Milan
I want to have a private jet
I want to have painting done by me and appraised for million dollars

My universe catalogue... please deliver these things to me. Will you?

On another note, Winter is officially over in Switzerland and flowers and people are more visible nowadays. Hanging out in the park, picnic, playing around the lake, longer day time, and so on. I have been frequenting the nearby of the lake and having been saving lots of money lately. Yes, I am not yet a millionaire if you are wondering.

At the moment I have barely 600 CHF in my wallet in cash. LOL. That should be enough until the end of the month. Also, Having been trying to finish a painting which is pretty much inspired with this blossoming sunflower unexpectedly sighted in some parks that I was strolling along some weekends ago.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Do You Recognize me?

I just finished this acrylic on canvas painting this evening. I wanted to paint this iconic personnel due to her stunning sharp and edgy feature. She is a supermodel who dealt with anger-issue.
Do you recognize her?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lets Rush ... to Your Finshing Line

We are all cycling... towards our finishing line.
Mine is......... BEING A MILLIONAIRE.

what is yours?

Note: If you are interested in buying the above painting, please let me know.

If I can sell these for a million dollar... :D

Are my paintings worth a million dollar?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I Want it So Bad... It hurts

I have been under the weather lately. It is simply due to the fact that I have yet manifested what I have been visualizing on: Being a Millionaire. I started to doubt again this thing about Law of Attraction. I clearly remember that "the secret" taught us that either it is one dolar or a million dollar you are focusing on, does not make any difference. However, there will be a buffer of time between right now and when the thing materialized the moment you start sending out your 'wish' to the universe.

At times, I feel very hyped up and greatly positive and optimistic as it was guaranteed 100% that the law of attraction is a law of nature and that it is as reliable as any other law in nature such as law of gravity. Apple always falls towards the centre of the earth regardless of the kind of apple, or the location where it falls. And thus, I just need to have a blind faith towards this law of attraction.

As promising and convenient it may sound, still, I had some 'faith' breakdowns or what most of us would call doubts on the legitimacy of this 'secret'.
is it only a mere wishful thinking which the idea was made believe to people who is hunger for a quick fix?

One of the 'breakdown' happened to me two days ago. As I checked my bank account and realized that I have spent way too much money this last month. Instead of a million dollar, I saw a decreasing amount of money in my account. I was down, and I was in pain. In the midst of my disappointment, my mom rang me and noticed that I was a little bit under the weather. Out of a sudden that very ordinary conversation turned out to be a teary conversation and so on. Sigh.
As she was concern about me and that she told me I should not be too overwhelmed with this whole one million dollar thing.

However, after the conversation was hung, and I was all alone again then I realize how badly I want this ONE million dollar. How serious I want to be a millionaire. O my universe, have I not wanted it badly? or is it not bad enough?
anyway this thing had really kept me sad, and I kept praying in my heart and try to surrender to the All giver to please give me a way to lead me to this one million dollar.

Thus, all day was spent on painting to sort of build my mood, and this is what I have:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What Is This Blog About?

Okay, a blog is to have a theme. Nothing new. Then what does this one talk about?

Personally, after cruising one blog after the other, I believe blog is a form of art. A gateway to express your self which ironically you want the rest of the world to read, to subscribe to, to get hooked to and so on. Is this another form of exhibitionism or a pure escape of an ordinary reality that bloggers have from day to day. I have no idea.

I have never kept a diary. However, the idea of online journal which accessible to millions others tickle me to then start blogging. Yet, I do not have a specific or particular topic to blog about. Eventually, I have decided to blog about what I want most to be. A millionaire, a multimillionaire.

Have you been reading my previous entries, you must have noticed that, or even from the very title of this blog. I want to be a millionaire.

The inspiration came from "the Secret". I bet you have at least heard of this hit and headline-making book-accompanied-with-a-DVD written and produced by Rhonda Byrne not so long ago. In one of the narration, there was a man talking about his affirmation made him a one million dollar cheque signed to him. Series of events that had let him to earned his very "first" million dollar cheque.

Law of Attraction. Thoughts become Things. Whatever you think of, it attracts.

The book summarizes the three fundamental law that make and shape our life and everything that surrounds it. It talks about how we are utterly responsible to the kind of life that we are having at the moment. Regardless of our preference to it. Meaning, either you like it or hate it, we created our LIFE. Your Life and Mine. The concept is hard both to accept and to understand. Does it as well mean that we attract all the bad things that happening around us. The answer is YES.

Therefore, this blog is dedicated to my passion in life. To the ultimate goal and purpose from the very first day I breath the air of life. I want to blog and put my heart and emotion regularly to being a MILLIONAIRE. I am manifesting and attracting this condition closer to me everyday. That what this is all about.

I remember that when I was 10 or something year old when I had a huge passion for animation. I love Disney's movie and I was so hungrily grasping information any thing that related to the making of an animated movies. I did lots of reading enthusiastically on how one animated movie was made, who were the lead animators, what is a clean up artist, who was the director and music composer and etc. I also spent hours after hours drawing characters of my aspiring animated movie. I had ideas on what kind of animated movies I wanted to make some day and what kind of music will be played on each scene. I had so much passion that every morning I wake my life was like in an animated movie. The singing bird, the singing town and everything was singing and swinging like those animated movie by Disney's in the 90s. Everytime there was an adult asking what I wanted to become when I grow up, I would firmly say, animator.

This passion had brought to an online acquaintance who was residing in Portland namely Tom Frank. He was an administrator in under animation section to whom I have lost contact for about 10 years. We had lots of informative exchange of emails and it was wonderfully informative especially for me to have such an expert who was a professional and telling me about how to become an animator. One day, during my sixth-grade year, I had a package sent to me from him and it contained a book titled "The Animators Workbook". This book was so precious to me that I took care of it like I would take care my own bible. This meant the world to me.

I read every page and every word. I enjoyed the movement that the corner of the book made when flipped quickly. I loved every form of art that the book had to offer. This was the first time I practiced the law of attraction and ever since that I have been practicing law of attraction subconsciously. Learning English, Studying Abroad, Going to Europe.

I believe now in the power of mind. However, growing up I have started becoming a skeptics. More practical and less imaginative. I had started to join societies of bickering and complaining about hot weather, too much assignments, worries of future and so on.

Until one day, Rhonda Byrne with her Secret came to me in a gigantic way, gave me a slept in the face and reminded me of that wonderfully magical way that LIFE should be.

This blog is to remind me of how precious life can be and how it should be. To get me ONE again with the energy of positivity and flow of opportunities abundantly.

The Secret is: Think ONLY what you want to BE and HAVE. Dont ask why or start Analise, THINK and MANIFEST.

I was in Zurich earlier today, and there was this advertisement that strucked me like no other. It says:


Yes it is quite true. We must once again waken our child instinct, instinct to only succeed and achieve. Instinct without buffer of logic and analysis on questions weather we will succeed. That was like when you learned how to walk for the first time. Did you give up?
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