
Saturday, February 5, 2011


Have you ever had a crush? Have you ever been disappointed?

I have crush(es). They come like the wind sometimes subtle sometimes strong. They blow the moment away that I need to find the balance that, I, momentarily lost in a split second due to the force that the wind exerted upon my body. Once I found my balance again, the wind had gone. The crush had gone. Now the air felt normal and things return to how it was before. That is crush.
Disappointment is a price that we paid due to expectation we exerted to opportunities, experience. It is not comfortable nor it is unnecessary. It is just the way it is. It is the way that our self develops and grow into a person that we are becoming. That we are inventing. Everyday.


Have you ever had a crush? Have you ever been disappointed?

I have crush(es). They come like the wind sometimes subtle sometimes strong. They blow the moment away that I need to find the balance that, I, momentarily lost in a split second due to the force that the wind exerted upon my body. Once I found my balance again, the wind had gone. The crush had gone. Now the air felt normal and things return to how it was before. That is crush.
Disappointment is a price that we paid due to expectation we exerted to opportunities, experience. It is not comfortable nor it is unnecessary. It is just the way it is. It is the way that our self develops and grow into a person that we are becoming. That we are inventing. Everyday.

Why do I want to be a Multimillionaire and How do I achieve it?

I want to be a millionaire. A multimillionaire that is. When I was a kid, the world appeared to be a place of infinite possibility. My natural fearless childlike instinct propelled to fearlessly dream. Despite of the dullness and boredom that many teenagers in my town found themselves to be inundated in, I always never successfully manage to bore my self. A world that I created in my world was always colorful and enchanting. Just like the Disney's movies.

Partly the reason could have been the fact that I was a huge fan of Disney's movie. Particularly, those that were hand drawn and those that promote stories of the underdogs who eventually found themselves somehow as heroes in the society. Also, I believe in my natural ability, as a kid, to always be able to create something up in my head that apparently always a lot more interesting than what the reality may offered.

Now that I am a sort of grown up young man, this ability seems to start to fade. Sadly, the reality that we all perceive as reality that equaled uniformity that equaled mainstream slowly settled in my way of doing things, of thinking, of perceiving. When I was a boy, I was just like Peter Pan. I never wished that I would grow up. I never thought that I would lose interest in things like the Atlantis, or the hidden treasures, or the fairies in the forests, or the half man half fish in the ocean, or the sandman, or the angels or things like that. The fact is I do. I do not find as many excitement anymore as I used to growing up as a little boy.

Am I whining?

I don't know. The fact is life does not seem to have its charm as enthralling and as enchanting as it used to be. Now that I am grown up and sort of understand the importance (read:comfort) that money may bring, the more the better, that I started to perceive the urgency to have money. Abundantly.

How do I acquire money? I mean money in abundance?

From my observation most of the millionaires in this world acquire their wealth in the following ways:

1. By being a celebrity. This means I grab or manage to achieve a certain status in the society that in return bring me fame. This means either I am incredibly talented in one particular field for example singing, dancing, acting, public speaking, or I manage to get famous just for being my self. The good example for this are those who are labelled as reality stars. Do I have the qualities to fall under this category? Errr sadly, no.

2. By being a lottery winner. This relies a lot on a factor that no one can control? Well, I tried this before and thus far I yielded none. I still remembered very well how I purchased the lottery tickets back in the day when I was till in Switzerland and in the end I did not win anything. The experience did not teach me much apart from the fact that the possibility of getting struck by lightning is somewhat higher than winning the grand prize in lottery!

3. Believing the power of law of attraction. This at the moment the one that I am trying to do. I have placed an order in the universe to bring me 10,000 SGD* and I will see what happens.

4. Last but not least is by SAVING. This is the one that preferable I would avoid. Why? Saving means I become the slave to my own future. I mean at least in my opinion. What I want is that I have millions of dollars when I want it, which is now that I can utilize to achieve bigger things in my life. Not by saving for the sake of the future that may never come.

By experiencing bigger things I meant travelling the world, getting inspired by visiting different places, meeting interesting different people, feeding my mind and soul with the greatest thing that planet earth can offer, finding out the purpose and source of joy that made the very reason I was born unto this planet. Become the man I am meant to be and contribute to society and in the end be remembered for the rest of the existence of human race civilization.

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