
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Focal Points

What is the focal point of your life?
The pivot where your interest and passion going about. Or perhaps you have none. Like most of us. I have no particular passion in one thing nor am I insanely good in one thing. Although I know a little bit of everything and understand a little bit of most of the thing, still I am no conoisseur in one particular thing. Passion-wise there is not one thing that I want to dedicate my life to yet - as far as I know.
Do you know?
The funny thing is that I am not wanting to be mediocre. Many a times I believe that I am simply too good for mediocrity. Perhaps this is just a form of an unhealthy self-esteem or self dillusion with overestimation of my self's quality.

I won a Lottery

Not. This has been the second time that I failed to pick the right combination of numbers that was drawn in the lottery result last Friday.
Should I bet for one more?
Unbelieveable amount of jackpot money for such a small amount of ticket price really is a big temptation for a big dreamer particulary of being rich such as myself. Especially when you are pretty much not sure how to start building your empire. Winning 77 million euros surely is the easiest and fastest way in earning your money.


I have doubts. The ones which may be taboo to talk about. I have doubts about system that we have created or believed to have been created by the supreme being with orders and rules of how we should live our lives. A dictate to minute details such to what to eat and what to wear.
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