
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We are Human Being NOT Human Thinking

Napoleon Hill. Google him up and you will most probably stumble upon an ebook Think and Grow Rich. Pick it up and read it!

This book was written roughly a century ago by a man whose very vision and wisdom changed lives of many to the fab and greatness, abundance and richness. His very wisdom is scattered throughout the book that you may picked it up in the very beginning of your reading journey or take you till the very last page of the book. Just read it and be inspired.

Personally I have come across many many the alike references under the same subject and I must say this one is really the mother of origin that had given birth to many alike philosophies.

Parallel to reading it, I am also revisiting my other very very inspirational reading by Neale Walsch. Where it was written that we are creating our reality. And all that is happening is intended yet may not be anticipated. This means that all that we have intended manifested in this reality that we perceive and none of this intention is left unrealized. However the outcome of the manifestation may not be anticipated especially when there is no clarity of intention.

To think about it, we or most of us grow in the culture upholding beliefs such as good things does not come easy, good things do not last, dreams do not manifest and so on. We are creating reality or believe that forces us to think that life sucks and so on. Whilst the reality is we are creating the very reality that we live in. What we think is our reality is not the real reality. Now, it might get a little bit confusing. Basically, we need to stop to think or to analize rather we must start to being. Being with a problem and we will find the already available solution there is to be discovered.

Starting today Have Intention without prefering to it. Intend your path a certain way, intend the kind of achievement or goals you want to have without prefering to it. Do not think just intend and feel it. Be with your dreams and goals. Do not think cause when you think more you tend to urge yourself to find reasons or excuses that favor the opposite end of the result you desire.

Thinking is the slowest method of creation.

"It is when you just be with your problem, rather than keep thinking about it, that the greatest insight comes."

Have you not heard the truly great creators, the truly great problem solvers, say, when you give them a problem,...
"Hmm... let me be with it for a while."
A Genius does not create a solution, but finds the solution.

Awareness is a state of being.

You are living in the illusion, you have placed yourself there, so you should give it some thought. But remember, thought creates reality, so if you've created a reality that you don't like, don't give it a second thought.

PS: All written in italic are words quoted from Neale Donald Walsch book "Friendship with God"
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